Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Claire, Knox, and Daphne Versus Peter and Gabriel

Peter and Gabriel are talking. There is a wooshing and a banging sound. Suddenly Gabriel looks up.

Gabriel : Noah, they've taken him.

Peter and Gabriel rush out to the entry room. The front door is open and walking towards the house is Claire, Knox, and Daphne with Knox carrying Noah. They walk into the house.

Gabriel: Please let him go.

Claire: Shut up you monster! Stop acting like your a person.

Gabriel: Claire, I know I can never make up for the things I did.

Peter cuts in: I won't let you hurt a child.

Peter stops time. He walks over to the frozen Knox and is about to free Noah. Suddenly Daphne starts moving. She has brass knuckles and she hits Peter in the back of the head really hard. Time resumes. Claire raises her gun to point at Sylar.

Gabriel: Noah, don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you.

A gesture from Gabriel and Claire, Knox, and Daphne go flying away. Gabriel comes over and picks up Noah, cradling him in his arms. Peter begins to stand up. He touches the back of his skull and comes away with a bit of blood.

Peter: I think she cracked my skull.

Daphne: And I am not done yet.

Daphne flies at Peter pounding him with blows. Sylar continues to hurry Noah away.

Noah: Daddy, I'm afraid.

Shot of Knox's eyes flipping open as he begins to stand up.

After taking quite a beating Peter suddenly blocks Daphne's arm and grabs it.

Peter: Super speed huh? It works well with super strength.

Peter squeezes her arm and Daphne collapses in pain.

Claire: SYLAR!!!

Shot of Claire aiming a gun at Gabriel. She fires many times. Gabriel looks at her and raises a hand. The bullets stop in front of him.

Claire: I am glad you liked my distraction.

Pull away from Sylar revealing Knox standing behind his poised to stab him with a poke. Knox drives the poker directly through Gabriel and Noah who was held in his arms.

Gabriel collapse holding his son close.

Gabriel (sobbing): Noah, I am so sorry.

Gabriel begins to glow. Cut to explosion.

Gabriel has super hearing. So you need to imply that they kidnapped his child vis super-speed from far away. Peter can stop time and would this use in any hostage situation. He doesn't yet know that Daphne can move fast enough to ignore this effect. She breaks his concentration nad beats on him. He can survive her hits due to his healing and when he finally takes her ability he can easily neutralize her. Meanwhile Claire fires bullets to distract Gabriel the loud noise prevents his super hearing from easily picking up Knox who sneaks up behind him. It becomes clear that Gabriel's emotional distraction is his undoing while Claire, Knox, and Daphne demonstrate ruthless resolve. The image of Gabriel holding his murdered child with a poker going through both of them is much more poignant. Also his focus on his son instead of Knox makes it much more about his love for his son and not his anger at Knox.

Knox touches Claire

Knox grabs Claire's arm. She stares at him and then her arm.

Knox: Just because you can't die doesn't mean we can't die. Keep your head in the game.

Claire whips out a knife with her other hand and stabs Knox through the arm. He lets go. Shot of Knox staring at his stabbed arm.

Claire: What no fear to work with besides your own? Don't touch me again.

Claire pulls out an empty syringe. She sticks it into her neck and extracts blood. She ruthlessly pulls the knife out of Knox's arm and injects Knox with her blood. His wound heals quickly.

Claire: Now come on. I have to kill the uncle I love for the second time today.

Claire begins to walk off.

Knox (muttering and flexing his arm): She's got a crappy bedside manner...

This highlights that Claire is tough and mean and refuses to be a victim.